Vinyasa | Hips & Heart | Balancing Pitta Dosha


Hips & Heart | Balancing Pitta Dosha

Enjoy a pitta balancing (pacifying) vinyasa yoga flow, designed to help calm excess fire in the mind and body. This practice is ideal for summer season, for folx with a fiery constitution, or for anyone who simply feels intensity of emotions such as impatience, frustration, anger, criticism and judgement. Explore a creative riff off sun salutations for heart and front body opening. Move through watery and unexpected transitions to anchor the presence. Release heat with delicious side stretches and ground through deep hip opening poses. This flow also helps release the shoulders and open the heart, ideal for letting go of excess weight and reviving our compassion.

What to expect: A slower practice with some engaging transitions to anchor presence. Release heat and open the heart with side bends. Ground with lots of hip opening postures such as warrior 2, extended side angle pose, skandasana, lizard. Release excess heat and invite greater breath through side bends and lateral stretches. We work towards a crescent tree pose, bound half moon {chapasana}, as well as a bound lizard pose.

Suggested Props: 2 bricks & a strap

Filmed in Vedauwoo, Wyoming.

All classes are offered for donation.

Your contribution is deeply felt and helps sustain the creation of these teachings. Donations are accepted via Paypal, Venmo @gabriela-colletta (See QR Code) or you can click the button below.



Like music as the backdrop to your practice? You can explore a collection of Spotify Playlists on the below button. Begin the tunes after the introduction.


Threads: Spacedye set by Beyond Yoga.


Vinyasa | Yoga For Climbers | Hip Mobility & Balance


Vinyasa | Yoga For Burnout | Grounding Pitta Flow