Vinyasa | Completion in Each Moment


Completion in Each Moment

Filmed in the desert of Red Rock, Nevada - the invitation of practice is to recognize completion in each moment. The rhythm of society, and it’s achievement oriented ethos can make it easy to sink into mindless grasping, to tightly bound expectations, a dry well of ways to improve, to better, to achieve…this orchestra of over-effort is something like trying to catch the wind. When we narrow our sight on the goal, we limit our perception of the fullness and completion that exists in each moment. This practice is designed to help release striving to get into a specific pose, and see where we can practice contentment or santosha, in each complete moment.

The practice: Expect hip opening and deep twisting for detox. As a level 2 practice, there is less alignment cueing, but modifications are still offered. We work towards the optional arm balance, dragonfly pose.

Inspired by the teaching:

There is no attainment of the Self, for it is eternally present.

There is no question of making it known, for it is self-illumined.

There is no question of uncovering or discovering it, for it cannot be

covered by anything whatsoever.

There is no entering into it, for there is nobody separate from it who

would enter into it.

~ Tantraloka of abhinavagupta 

All classes are offered for donation.

Your contribution is deeply felt and helps sustain the creation of these teachings. Donations are accepted via Paypal, Venmo @gabriela-colletta (See QR Code) or you can click the button below.



Like music as the backdrop to your practice? Here is a playlist that may get the energy moving!

Begin this playlist after the introduction. Timestamp is 1:23.


Threads: Worn in this video is Beyond Yoga. For me, conscious consumption is an important practice. One step in my journey to redefining my relationship to capitalism is minimizing my material goods and supporting companies that communicate with transparency and integrity. BY was one of the first yoga apparel brands voicing body positivity. They aspire for inclusivity of all bodies, backgrounds and shapes and don’t manipulate or touch-up their imagery. Plus their clothes are buttery soft yet resilient. I am an ambassador for BY which means I can offer my community 15% off every purchase with the code GABYC15! at checkout and in return they support me with a small commission. If you like this outfit you can shop here.

Teaching: This year I was invited to be an ambassador for Embodied Philosophy’s Meditation Resolution. This quote was from the last day of our resolution. EP offers a wealth of resources of contemplative studies. You can explore their Instagram + website.


Vinyasa | Integration & Rooting into Self


Vinyasa | Ease of Becoming