Restorative Yin | Leaning into Non-Resistance


Leaning into Non-Resistance

There is a saying in yoga “what we resist, persists.” It is in psychological biology to resist - everything from change, from the status quo, from how things were. We may resist parts of ourselves, the shadow. When we let things be, we come into inner alignment with the present moment. When we welcome our relationship with what happens in Life, we conjure acceptance and tap into the trust of Life itself orchestrating the unfolding necessary for our own awareness and growth. The invitation? Can you tap into non-resistance? Can you let go and let be? This is a practice that incorporates hip and heart opening poses.

Suggested props: 2 blocks and a bolster

All classes are offered for donation.

Your contribution is deeply felt and helps sustain the creation of these teachings. Donations are accepted via Paypal, Venmo @gabriela-colletta (See QR Code) or you can click the button below.



Like music as the backdrop to your practice? Here is a playlist designed to support your embodiment and presence.

Begin this playlist after the introduction.


Threads: Worn in this video is Beyond Yoga. For me, conscious consumption is an important practice. One step in my journey to redefining my relationship to capitalism is minimizing my material goods and supporting companies that communicate with transparency and integrity. BY was one of the first yoga apparel brands voicing body positivity. They aspire for inclusivity of all bodies, backgrounds and shapes and don’t manipulate or touch-up their imagery. Plus their clothes are buttery soft yet resilient. I am an ambassador for BY which means I can offer my community 15% off every purchase with the code WANDERINGVAYU15 at checkout and in return they support me with a small commission. If you like this outfit you can shop here.

Space: I love supporting small businesses. This class was filmed at Yess Yoga in Minneapolis, MN. Check out this community here.


Restorative Yin | Boundaries as the scaffolding of self-care


Vinyasa | Surrender into Not Doing