Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Open to Gratitude

35 Min • It's a simple equation, gratitude creates abundance. Can we cultivate the gratitude muscle, continuing to discover the wealth of each unraveling moment? When we are in a state of gratitude we are open to deeper connection, relationship, empowered choice of where we want to place our attention. The forearm balance pincha mayurasana requires deliberate heart opening and can energetically connect us to a place of gratitude.

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Gabriela Colletta Gabriela Colletta

Vinyasa | Completion in Each Moment

50 Min • The rhythm of society, and it’s achievement oriented ethos can make it easy to sink into mindless grasping, to tightly bound expectations, a dry well of ways to improve, to better, to achieve…this orchestra of over-effort is something like trying to catch the wind. Can release striving to get into a specific pose, and recognize what is complete moment.? Enjoy hip and deep twisting as we work towards the peak arm balance of Dragonfly Pose.

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