Vinyasa | Undoing the Self - Eagle & Headstand


Undoing the Self

“The purpose of the spiritual path is to unmask, to take off our armor.” - Pema Chodron

In this 40 minute vinyasa flow we explore undoing the layers of our self through perspective and inversion play. As we move through this human experience we collect. We pick up identities, beliefs, values, ideas of ourselves, expectations flavored by the society and culture we grow up in. This is a practice of undoing what we perceive one’s “self” to be, releasing fixed ideas of oneself and notions of comfort we cling to. Beneath the masks, the learned ways of living, we slowly unravel to reveal our true Nature. This is the path of yoga and ayurveda - the slow unmasking, undoing of the ego, to reveal the authentic, true Self.

What to expect: Begins with nadi shodhana - alternate nostril breathing pranayama to clear stagnant or stuck energy. Followed by a warming vinyasa flow with core work to stabilize and support both standing balance postures and an inversion practice. This flow includes core work to prepare and stablize for standing balance and inversions. Expect shoulder and hip opening postures too. Eagle pose, pigeon, warrior 2, cow face pose.

Suggested Props: Two bricks.

Audio Sound Note: Apologies - Tucson airplanes rise in the background at 7:26 min and 16 min. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility with this.

Filmed in Tucson, Arizona.

All classes are offered for donation.

Your contribution is deeply felt and helps sustain the creation of these teachings. Donations are accepted via Paypal, Venmo @gabriela-colletta (See QR Code) or you can click the button below.



Like music as the backdrop to your practice? You can explore a collection of Spotify Playlists on the below button. Begin the tunes after the introduction.


Headstand Tutorial: Here is a short tutorial on how to do headstand - sirsasana with a step by step progression.

Threads: Align Crop top by Lululemon. Black Leggings by Born Primitive.

Inspiration: Pema Chodron


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